Run Time: 119 minutes Genre: Inspiring Documentary About Human PotentialÂ
Featuring: Dr. Masaru Emoto AND Bruce Lipton PhD AND Dr. Joe Dispenza AND DAN BRULE AND bernie siegel md and Brandon Bays AND cRAIG PEARSON, PHD, AND VINCENT J. DACZYNSKI and steve chee md and thomas cotton phd and KENNETH L. cavanaugh, phd and joanna chery and dr. richard l. davidson and alexandria devasier and virginia ellen and robert k hall md and james hardt phd and michael irwin md and susan hart and denis hezekiah el and hira ratan manek and ashleigh whitworth and paul j morehead phd and gary renard and uma sankar and james a sinclair and rev. larry swartz and fred travid phd and enrique villanueva and aurora winter and master ting jue zhou and iris jackson AND LOU GAUTHIER PHD
Producer/Director: James A Sinclair Editor: Ben Gammond Writer/Associate Producer: Mercedes Grant Art Director: Michelle HoogveldÂ
Countries Filmed In: USA, Canada, India, Mexico, Switzerland
James A Sinclair
Thank you to our viewers who have viewed our movie all over the world in more than 100 countries. We greatly appreciate you!Â
We created this movie with the intention that it will remind you of what you already know to be true deep within you.Â
Who you are is far greater than you believe you are!

"THANK YOU for making the mind-blowing film What If? The Movie. It has completely changed and possibly even saved MY life. I love sharing its wisdom and teachings with others and recommend people watch the video."
-Jody Johnston Pawel, LSW, CFLE, Author of The Parent’s Toolshop®, USA
"Thank You"
"This movie brought a lot of joy and inspiration into my life. I've always been fascinated with unique 'paradigm shifting' information and this movie came into my life at the perfect time. Its such a moving and motivating movie on fields of science and spirituality that are so cutting edge. I've recommended it to so many friends and think the world needs to see it!"
-Austin Hamer, Saskatoon Farm, Alberta

"Wow! The vibration of this movie is so high; the truths, so deep and resounding. The concept of unlimitedness is profound, relevant and very timely. I believe this movie will serve as a "bridge", taking us from limited man to unlimited Master! Good-bye 3D reality...hello (long-awaited) 5th!"
 -Lisa, Author, Canada
"So High"
"I loved the movie! It has already made huge changes in my world. (What If? The Movie) is the most powerful and authentic movie I have seen...I loved it and it reminds us all to reach our full potential in mind, body and soul in life."
-Lisa Kathleen, Author, Australia
"Thank you for creating an inspiring 'peace' of art for others to see and learn. I hope you have more plans for future movies."
-Olana Bunte, Latvia

"The visual parts I believe all the scenes are really harmonious and emotional, I also really like the music because it makes you feel inspired.​"
 -Vanessa, Model/Designer, Venezuela
Meet Some Of The Featured Experts

What If? The MovieÂ
Awakening To Our Unlimited Potential
"Revolutionary...Engaging" "Wow!!! A Must See" "Powerful & Authentic" "Amazingly Thought & Spirit Provoking"Â
 Award-Winning Inspiring Documentary Movie - Viewed In Over 100 Countries!
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